Emergency Response
& Evacuation
Whenever threats become critical
Emergency Response
Dyami is available to clients to provide emergency response action and assistance.
The proper reaction to emergencies starts with the availability of a well-designed Emergency Response Plan (ERP). We assist organizations in designing tailor-made ERPs, implementing them, and training personnel to follow ERP procedures.
Emergencies can occur at any time, and the nature of the emergency — and whether the incident qualifies as an emergency — highly depends on the specific organization.
For clients with an emergency response support contract with Dyami, we are available 24/7.
Dyami action and support can vary from boots on the ground to remote support. We obtain ground truth information about the area before the emergency and disaster mission starts.
Case: The 2021 Kabul Evacuation
On Sunday, the 15th of August 2021, amid the Taliban takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan, part of Dyami's team started working to support people evacuating the city. With a conference speaker always on and surrounded by whiteboards, multiple screens, and a myriad of papers, the team worked day and night to ensure that over 250 people weren’t left alone in a city that went from hospitable to hostile overnight.
Crisis management has been the keyword. Whom to call, where to stay, what to look out for, and what security measures to keep in mind. The responsible team made an effort to keep in contact with both the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the people on the ground in Kabul, who had been anxiously waiting for instructions for days, sharing easy security tips with them, maintaining the information flow, and offering mental support in an indubitably stressful situation.